Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Urologist and Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon
Information for Parents
Pediatric Acute Appendicitis
What is this disease?
Appendicitis means inflammation of appendix in a child. It manifests as pain abdomen in right lower abdomen, vomiting, fever, loss of appetite and other features.
How it is diagnosed?
Clinical history and examination of child is most important means of diagnosis supported by few blood tests. USG of abdomen is also commonly used. Rarely, CECT abdomen is needed in the child.
How it is treated?
Surgery is the most common modality available to treat this condition. Sometimes, medical treatment in terms of antibiotics and analgesics can also treat mild episodes. However, it is used with caution in small children, as omentum is not well developed in children.
When it should be operated?
Most of the appendicectomy is done in emergency. In medically managed cases, often interval appendicectomy after 6 weeks is recommended.
Are there other alternative methods of treatment?
Medical management is sometimes successful in this condition, with its inherent risks.
What all I need to know before my child surgery?
Read “All you need to know before your child's surgery” information booklet in website
How is the surgery done?
It can be done by either open method or Laparoscopic method.
For more details, contact your surgeon
Related Photographs and videos
Few photographs of steps done by me and video link is given here for learning purposes