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Index (Playlist) of Pediatric Surgery Video

index of video

​Pediatric Urology

  1. Laparoscopic Nephroureterectomy for Single System Ectopic Ureter & Non Functioning Kidney in a Child

  2. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty in an Infant of three months

  3. Endoscopic Dextranomer/Hyaluronic Acid Injection (Dexell®) for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)

  4. Total Urogenital Sinus Mobilization(TUM) for common Cloaca

  5. Laparoscopic upper moeity nephrectomy in an infant with Right Duplex system with ectopic ureter

  6. PUV fulguration by different means- hook,loop and bugbee 

  7. Laparoscopy for undescended testes - blind ending vas & vessels

  8. Peritoneal Dialysis catheter in neonates and infant

  9. Laparoscopic Pyeloplasty for Pediatric Pelviureteric junction obstruction(PUJO) in a seven year old

  10. Ureterocle in a three months old Female- Diagnosis and Treatment

  11. Laparoscopic upper moiety nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy by Dr Shandip Sinha

  12. Bilateral Single System Orthotopic Ureterocele in an Infant- Diagnosis and Treatment

  13. Malrotation diagnosed during Laparoscopic pyeloplasty-what to do?

  14. Cystoscopy with posterior urethral valve fulguration 

  15. Cystoscopic ureterocele incision 

  16. laparoscopic orchidopexy- staged, both stages

  17. Neonate with posterior urethral valve and ascites

  18. Laparoscopy for undescended testes- vanishing testes

  19. Posterior urethral valve(PUV) fulgration by bug bee electrode

  20. Pediatric laparoscopic pyelolithotomy

  21. Blind ending vessel verses Blind ending Vas for diagnosis of vanishing impalpable testes

  22. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty for crossing vessel pelviureteric junction obstruction 

  23. Pediatric Laproscopic pyeloplasty

  24. Laparoscopy for undescended testes-vas vessel entering ring 

  25. laparoscopic orchidopexy- staged, both stages 

  26. Neonate with posterior urethral valve and ascites

  27. Laparoscopy for undescended testes- vanishing testes

  28. Laparoscopic upper moiety nephrectomy with partial ureterectomy 

  29. Laparoscopic pyeloplasty for crossing vessel pelviureteric junction obstruction 

  30. Laparoscopy for undescended testes-vas vessel entering ring 

  31. Stage 2 of Two stage Fowler-Stephens orchiopexy for intraabdominal testes

Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgery

  1. Laparoscopic Assisted Anorectoplasty (LAARP) with Laparoscopic Partial Distal Colostomy Mobilization

  2. Choledochal cyst and Caterpillar (Moynihan) Hump in a small child- Laparoscopic dissection

  3. Laparoscopic Heineke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty for Gastric Outlet Obstruction in a 12 year old child

  4. Laparoscopic Assisted Transanal Pull Through (TAPT) for Hirschsprung disease In Neonate

  5. Complicated(perforated) appendicitis in a child- Laparoscopic Management

  6. laparoscopic assisted pull through for anorectal malformation(ARM)

  7. Laparoscopic Herniotomy in a Child

  8. Laparoscopic choledochal cyst repair

  9. Laparoscopy for Intussusception of small intestine(Jejunojejunal) in a child

  10. Laparoscopic assisted total colectomy with Duhamel for total colonic aganglionosis

  11. Paraesophageal hernia in a child 

  12. Malrotation diagnosed during Laparoscopic pyeloplasty-what to do?

  13. Pediatric laparoscopic partial pericystectomy for hepatic hydatid cyst 

  14. laparoscopic assisted Transanal pull through(TAPT) for Hirschsprung Disease 

  15. Neonatal ovarian cyst - Laparoscopic excision 

  16. Laparoscopic colonic duplication surgery in child 

  17. Pediatric Laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendix

  18. pediatric laparoscopic herniotomy

  19. Trans-anal Pull Through (TAPT) in an Infant for Hirschsprung's Disease ( Without Colostomy)

  20. Laparoscopic assisted J- pouch for Juvenile polyposis coli in children- report of two cases

  21. Laparoscopic or Laparoscopic assisted excision of Pediatric Cystic Abdominal Masses- Case Series

  22. Laparoscopic ( Organ Preserving) management of Congenital splenic cyst- case series

  23. Complicated appendicitis in an adolescent with Crohn's disease- Appendectomy or right hemicolectomy?

  24. Incidentally diagnosed Carcinoid after Appendicectomy in an Seven old child


Pediatric Bronchoscopy

  1. Rigid Bronchoscopy for Foreign body bronchus in a child

  2. Button battery induced tracheoesophageal fiistula repair 

  3. Esophageal lung- a rare case

  4. Foreign body bronchus diagnosis and treatment in an Infant- Team Approach

  5. Esophageal lung- A rare case report

  6. Foreign body bronchus in an infant

​General Pediatric Surgery

  1. Trans-anal Pull Through (TAPT) in an Infant for Hirschsprung's Disease ( Without Colostomy)

  2. Complicated(perforated) appendicitis in a child- Laparoscopic Management

  3. Laparoscopic Herniotomy in a Child

  4. Malrotation with volvolus in a neonate

  5. Neonatal ovarian cyst - Laparoscopic excision

  6. pediatric laparoscopic herniotomy

  7. Laparoscopy for undescended testes - blind ending vas & vessels

  8. Laparoscopy for Intussusception of small intestine(Jejunojejunal) in a child

  9. Pediatric laparoscopic partial pericystectomy for hepatic hydatid cyst

  10. Laparoscopy for undescended testes-vas vessel entering ring

  11. Laparoscopy for undescended testes- vanishing testes

  12. Laparoscopic orchidopexy- staged, both stages

  13. Laparoscopic colonic duplication surgery in child

  14. Pediatric Laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendix

Pediatric Thoracic Surgery

  1. Esophageal lung- a rare case

  2. Thoracoscopic excision of anterior mediastinal hydatid cyst 

  3. Pediatric Thoracoscopic lung biopsy

  4. Thoracoscopic Pediatric anterior mediastinal mass biopsy 

  5. Thoracoscopy for forgut duplication cyst

  6. Thoracoscopic tef repair-TREAT 

  7. Thoracoscopic eventration repair of anteromedial diaphragm defect in a child

  8. Thoracoscopic pleurodesis for post cardiac surgery chylothorax

  9. eventration repair by thoracoscopy using endo staplers

  10. button battery induced tracheoesophageal fiistula repair

  11. Foreign body bronchus in an infant

  12. Esophageal lung- A rare case report

  13. Anterior mediastinal hydatid cyst- Thoracoscopic excision in a 5 year old child

  14. H-Type Tracheo- esophageal Fistula

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