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Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Urologist and Pediatric Laparoscopic Surgeon

Information for Parents
What is this disease?
Cloaca is a malformation in which urine and feces drain into a common channel opening in the perineum (the area where the anus and vagina are normally located).
How it is diagnosed?
Clinical examination, USG, MRI, Examination under anaesthesia and cysto vaginoscopy, laparoscopy is used to diagnose and understand anatomy.
How it is treated?
It is treated by staged surgery , in which reconstruction is done.
When it should be operated?
Colostomy is done in newborn period ,followed by definitive repair at around one year of age.
Are there other alternative methods of treatment?
In indicated cases, surgery is the only treatment option.
What all I need to know before my child surgery?
Read “All you need to know before your child’s surgery” information booklet in website
How is the surgery done?
Stage 1- transverse colostomy
Stage 2- PSARVUP OR TUM or others
Stage 3- colostomy closure
For more details of surgery, contact your surgeon.
Related Photographs and videos
Few photographs of steps done by me is given here for learning purposes.

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